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- 主語と述語をまとめる
- Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX, Tesla and Twitter, is deciding which / controversial figures will be allowed / to return on the social media platform.
- Twitter has reactivated the account of psychologist / Jordan Peterson; he was suspended for refusing / to apologize for a transphobic comment. Similarly, rapper Kanye West returned / after an anti-semitic post. Several platforms banned influencer / Andrew Tate for sharing misogynistic content.
- Musk also announced that / he would lift former President Donald Trump’s ban. Trump’s account was permanently suspended / after the Capitol riot. Musk ran a Twitter poll in which / almost 52% of 15 million people voted for Trump’s return.
- Musk refused to allow Infowars host / Alex Jones to return to Twitter. The conspiracy theorist repeatedly claimed that / the Sandy Hook school shooting was a hoax; 20 children and six adults died in that event.
- While some people are back on Twitter, others are fleeing the platform, including Whoopi Goldberg, Stephen Fry, and Gigi Hadid.
Subject / Verb
- controvercial:議論の
- controvercial figure:物言う人
- suspend:停職にする
- refuse:拒否する
- transphobic:トランス性差別的な
- poll:世論調査、選挙、投票
- conspirancy:陰謀
- hoax:デマ
- flee:逃げる