2022/12/17 Learning English

News in Levels : Winter help to Ukraine


  1. Lv1を音声から書き起こす
  2. 音読3回ずつ(Lv1〜Lv3)
  3. 英文読解(Lv3)
  4. 重要単語ピックアップ


  1. Some 70 country’s institusion world wide preadged more than 1.05 billion dollers in the immdediate 8 to help Ukraine through the hersh winter.
  2. France hosted the global meeting to discuss what they could offer to Ukraine to maintain its water, food, energy,health, and transportation needs.←perfect
  3. Russian forces continue the battle of the countries energy in other civilian infrastructure.
  4. Form minister Caf incoroma said that over 440 million dollors will be filled Ukraine energy sector.
  5. She had ~ participation of none western country such as kato can bordio short grown support for Ukraine.
  6. The countries will channel the rest of the funds to other sector in they were decide on how to use almost 530 million dollors.


  1. Some 70 countries and institutions worldwide pledged more than 1.05 billion dollars in immediate aid to help Ukraine through the harsh winter.
  2. France hosted the global meeting to discuss what they could offer to Ukraine to maintain its water, food, energy, health, and transportation needs. Russian forces continue to batter the country’s energy and other civilian infrastructure.
  3. Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna said that over 440 million dollars will be for Ukraine’s energy sector. She added that the participation of non-Western countries such as Qatar and Cambodia showed growing support for Ukraine. The countries will channel the rest of the funds to other sector, and they will decide on how to use almost 530 million dollars.

subject / verb



  • institution:団体、制度、協会
  • pledge:固い約束をする
  • harsh:過酷な
  • batter:壊す、叩き潰す
  • sector:部門
  • channel:流す、回す
  • rest of:残りの部分



