News in Levels : Police officers save a dog
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- 2 Spanish police officers yet way beyond the call of the duty to rescue a dog as cold weather alived in the northern part after country
- the forrock man took off the uniforms before waiting in to a frozen resolbour in come from, insume Spain and tract the pad the safety
- One of the officers used a large tree branch to brake the tich ice The hat formed an a lake’s surface
- He also used the branch to reach the dog. They had already bet in stuck for ours
- 全然聞き取れないため、ここで断念
- Two Spanish police officers went way beyond the call of duty to rescue a dog as cold weather arrived in the northern part of the country.
- The heroic men took off their uniforms before wading into a frozen reservoir in Canfranc, eastern Spain and dragged the pet to safety. One of the officers used a large tree branch to break the thick ice that had formed on the lake’s surface. He also used the branch to reach the dog that had already been stuck for hours. The men cleared a path for the animal to swim to safety.
- The Spanish Meteorological Agency predicted heavy snow and high wind in parts of northern Spain, and authorities advised people to return early from a five-day break.
- go way beyond:はるかに超える
- call of duty:職務、義務
- cold weather:寒波
- wade:(ぬかるみを)歩く
- reservoir:貯水池
- heroic:英雄の、勇ましい
- authority:権威、権力、当局
- Meteorological Agency:気象庁