2022/12/14 Learning English

News in Levels :Town in the sea


  1. Lv3を音声から書き起こす
  2. 音読3回ずつ(Lv1〜Lv3)
  3. 英文読解(Lv3)
  4. 重要単語ピックアップ


  1. Until the third century AD, the town of Baia with the most covidid destination for wealthy Roman citizens, senetors, and emplorors.
  2. Now, It’s hidden beneath the sand in pubbles in the waters of the golf of the poff slowly, just a few kilometers for Naples, Italy and the only redidents are faciant seahorses.
  3. The slow movement of land from volcano activity caused a land to submerge, and in 1969, divers discovered the ruin of the two move statues by chance.
  4. About 15000 divers, snowcolors and tourists visited site all you round to trouble back in time in swim through ancient streets,mozaiks, statues, and remained of a sea side resort.
  5. Over the years, Archiologists have moved some of the ancient objects above the sea to protect them from rockieding plants and animals strong ties and fields
  6. However the archiologists have plays copies of the originals under water so that divers connect experients the city as with 2000 years ago


  1. Until the 3rd century AD, the town of Baia was the most coveted destination for wealthy Roman citizens, senators, and emperors.
  2. Now, its hidden beneath the sand and pebbles in the waters of the Gulf of Pozzuoli, just a few kilometers from Naples, Italy, and the only residents are fish and seahorses.
  3. The slow movement of land from volcanic activity caused the land to submerge, and in 1969, divers discovered the ruins of two marble statues by chance. About 15,000 divers, snorkelers, and tourists visit the site all year round to travel back in time and swim through ancient streets, mosaics, statues, and the remains of a seaside resort.
  4. Over the years, archeologists have moved some of the ancient objects above the sea to protect them from rock-eating plants and animals, strong tides, and thieves. However, the archeologists have placed copies of the originals underwater so that divers can experience the city as it was 2,000 years ago.

subject / verb



  • covet:切望する
  • senator:評議員
  • peddle:行商、小石
  • seahorses:タツノオトシゴ
  • submerge:潜水する
  • ruin:廃墟
  • snorkeler:シュノーケラー
  • mosaics:モザイク
  • theives:thief(泥棒)の複数形

